Turns Out If You Search Super Racist Terms Like "N***A House" On Google Maps It Directs You To The White House

Daily Mail- Google was forced to suspend its Map Maker editing tool this month after users started abusing the service by adding what many considered to be amusing images. But the latest addition has caused outrage after racist search terms started directing users to The White House.  It is believed a label was added to the Washington address for the term ‘n***a house’ using the service – but this has not been confirmed and it is not known how long the label has been live. It will also happen when searching for ‘n****r house’ and ‘n****r king’ – but these only zoom in automatically to the White House if the map is already centred in or around Washington. The offensive label was first spotted by The Washington Post.  The problems with Map Maker began when fan site Cult of Android spotted an image of a large Android urinating on an Apple logo at coordinates 33°30’52.5″N 73°03’33.2″E.  These co-ordinates cover a mountainous region near the city of Shahpur in Pakistan.




Well then! That’s awkward.  Somebody has some explaining to do over at the Google offices.  Honestly, I don’t know how Google Maps works in terms of editing and I’m not gonna look it up.  I just know it helps me get around town despite living in the same place I grew up for 25 years.  Is it like Wikipedia where anybody can go in and add stuff to it?  Or is everything approved by Google before it’s put into action on the maps?  Because this is the second time in as many months that they’ve fucked something up.  First it was the picture of an Android robot pissing on the Apple logo (which was hilarious) and now we’ve got SUPER racist terms directing people right to the White House (much less hilarious).  If it’s like Wikipedia entries, I kinda trust Google Maps a lot less.  They have a pretty important job like, ya know, telling me where to drive my 2800 pound missile on wheels.  Sure, right now its just pissing robots and racism but I feel like next somebody’s gonna edit an entire street and launch me off a bridge.


PS- How did the person who stumbled upon this stumble upon it in the first place?  Feel like that’s a pretty awkward thing to admit you found.  “Guys!  Guys!  You’re never gonna believe what I just found on Google maps!  If you type in “n***a house” into the search bar it takes you directly to the White House!  Don’t ask me how I know that.”

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